Saturday, August 6, 2016

Only Two Reasons anyone reads

There is only two reasons why anyone chooses to read a book.  Either it is for entertainment and amusement or to gain knowledge and become aware.  If it is done for the former, there are no barriers to the transference of what the author intended to accomplish or communicate.  If it is done for the latter, there are a myriad of filters built up in the mind of the reader that will determine whether or not that which the author claims is first hand knowledge (viewed by eyes or heard by ears or combinations of both) is believed and accepted that the author is not lying about such experiences.  That does not mean this author claims that what he experienced is absolute truth.  There is definite room and ample allowance on this authors claims of personal experience to be a mix of actual real interactions with people, flora, fauna, and the skies and hallucinations.  Therefore I will not share the experiences I’ve had in private in that no one else besides me were there to confirm that what I saw or the persons I’ve seen and met with were “real”, or that which was seen by them.  I wanted to claim at the beginning of this book that it is all fake and merely a great and somewhat believable story built upon some obvious truth of myself that can be confirmed by many sources in order for the reader to have zero barrier to what I truly want the reader to actually believe.  Simply put, I want the reader to believe every word I say.  Yes I do.  Why, well, because if the things I’ve seen, and the people that I’ve interacted with are real, and what they say is true…then you really don’t have a choice but to believe every word I say if you want to prevent you and the human races annihilation and the earth’s total destruction.  I have not, ever, not one time, ever had a dream or a vision or an apparition where an entity or entities have communicated to me in any way which I interpreted as them claiming to be “god”, “angels”, “demons”, etc.  My dreams in my life have consisted of me being shot just before being elected as president of the us, me drowning, me going down in airplanes, childhood experiences, etc.  not one time have I ever seen a jesus, a mohammed, an allah, a krisha, a Jehovah, etc.  therefore reader, I do not claim that I am doing this because I have been told by someone else to do it, or I had a dream where god or gods have commanded that I do this.  I am writing this of my own free will and choice.  However, those whom I’ve interacted with stated very clearly that they monitor this earth and it’s sister planets in this solar system.  Do I have reason to believe that what they said was true….yes…because they have told me every time before a major catastrophe upon this earth has happened weeks, or months, or years before they have happened.  It has been a mix of events that are both done by human to human, human to earth, or earth to human.  I have seen enough myself to finally believe that they are 100 percent accurate in there statements upon future events.  I don’t care if any religion is true, or not.  If I belong to one, then I am damned by all others.  Therefore I have adopted all religions in order to accept all people as my brothers and sisters so I do not treat them any less than the way I want to be treated myself.  Therefore, I have no disagreement with any human.  You be right, and I’ll be happy not knowing if I’m right or wrong…just let me cook a good meal for you, play the guitar and sing, and play some board games and tell you some pretty wacked out occurences in my life.  Ya, you’re not going to believe them.  But every time another disaster occurs from here on out after this book is published…think about me, the author of these words and what would be going through my mind.  I see these disasters in a much different perspective.  None of them are a surprise, I know why each and every one happens.  I also know how to prevent each and every one that is destined to come to pass if certain actions are  taken by certain groups of people and also as the human race collectively.  you don’t have to believe in these words in order to “go to heaven”, etc.  I don’t know of such a place nor am privy or have given knowledge by any religions god or gods respectively.  Therefor I cant condemn one group over another or all others.  I condemn them all because all of them cannot be right.  And together, their ideologies have formed the basis and reason for the actions they commit, and together, all ideologies have created a world that is not desirable to live upon.  And the ideology that I truly hate, hate, and hate, and despise….the ONLY ones I do….money and the patriarchal male ego.   

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