Monday, November 14, 2016

To All 2016 Independent Presidential Nominees:

NONE of you are going to wait around till 8 months before the next election to prove to the world you are the ONLY for the Job of the President of the United States of America.  Every single one of us are going to come together and unite behind ONE person. If you are not willing to put up your own candidacy on the chopping block in order for the BEST candidate that truly represents the 99 percent, can finally stand up and get to work, then all may know you are exactly like the Demos and Repubs, running for President for the sake of personal gain.   However,  there are many of the Independents Nominees and ALL Repubs and Demos that simply prove already that they do not have the understanding of all current world affairs in order to fill the role of President.  The Only people that can be taken serious are those who have an actual proposed BILL or ACT written on their own, with no help or assistance from advisers or speech writers.  Better yet, They and Their People should have an entirely new Constitution written,and accompanying Legislation and Bill of Rights, that is all inclusive, covering every aspect of human interaction and the laws pertaining to such, and the exact consequences if laws are broken, and the best way to rehabilitate those who break them, that is NOT BASED on the current system of zero checks and balances and failure.  You must have written your own TAX laws.  You must prove that YOUR WAYS that you have penned to paper, can and will in reality, show it step by step...that it will eradicate poverty, heal the worlds economic crisis, and renew and recycle this earth for all generations to come but most importantly lift EVERY AMERICAN AND VET OUT OF POVERTY.  IF YOU DON'T HAVE WHAT I ASKED FOR, IN OTHER WORDS, WHAT THE AMERICAN PEOPLE ARE ASKING FOR---THEN YOU CANNOT IN REALITY BE TAKEN SERIOUS ABOUT YOUR CLAIMS OF BEING THE BEST CANDIDATE.  IF YOU ENDORSE ANY PERSON OR PARTY OUTSIDE YOURSELF, THEN IT IS SELF ADMISSION AND TO YOUR CONSTITUENCY THAT YOU DO NOT HAVE "WHAT IT TAKES."

And you all must be asking:  "Where the hell is YOUR constitution, your bills, your legislation, your Acts.  Why would you think I don't have those?  Just like my book is entitled:  Like...DUH! 

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