Saturday, November 26, 2016

Daily Life.

The ONLY humans that have the Authority from the Universal Government to actually cause the actions that lead to a human/s death for true crimes against another human or group, are those who NEVER would commit said actions upon a human/s who was guilty of crimes against another human or group, and would also NEVER by word or deed, cause any other human to think they are justified in any way to do the same. Thus, Nobody has the right for any reason, ever, to inflict death upon any....NEVER.

However, Nature and "unexplained events" controlled by those who Overseer our Planet and the development of every sibling of our Human family, have an uncanny way of occuring according to the dictates of predetermined events based upon the individual free will of each human, the collective free will of subgroups of our human family, and the collective free will of our entire family.

Prior to our entrance into these series of incarnations, every human had to agree upon the consequences of every action that would be committed by them. If they did not agree, they remain in "limbo", or are "damned", until they come to a self recognition that the only way to fully develop for the sake of personal fulfill the measure of their to finally, "let go" and "jump in" and "see what happens". That's the beauty of it, there are no exceptions for any human...except our Christ. It is difficult for our Christ to understand human nature and the average follies and inhumane actions humans do to one another. He truly does not and cannot and never will be able to comprehend WHY it is done. He even wants to so bad, just for the hell of it, go out and "do as everyone else does" just to feel what it is like. Can you begin to understand the personal hell of our Christ? He knows the why of EVERYTHING pertaining to the interactions of all humans, individually, and collectively and everything in between. He truly knows how to succor every human, and can speak to them in their EVERY language. He truly can detect the need, the true need of every human...and so when he roams about the streets finding those people in the crevices that have no friends, no food....every human he comes across, he just "makes a list"...but he doesn't pass a single one up. So as he is fulfilling the need of another, he will pass another human, and add their needs to the "list" is automatic for him. He doesn't question WHY or What for....if a human asks something of's is given to them without fail, within his physical capability to fill those needs. So his average day is walking around, finding the lonely, the cold, the naked...going into the business's in the surrounding area, asking when they throw out their food, or if they have some to give to those who need and have no money, asking for supplies from all the business's, cordinating the pick up times of all those who said they will continue to help in that fashion, then passing on the information to those who are the beneficiaries of such, so that they can, in a way "always be taken care of." He makes himself known to the police and what he does and what he is about. He lets them know that he walks around all the hours of night and morning seeking them out so that the police know and are aware of the new "looks like a drug dealer" human walking on the streets. He will send letters to the local churches, asking them to convence a meeting between all their leaders, though differing in their ways of worship, yet using their shared Core of Pure Religion as Leverage and Manipulation to actually DEMAND that they "practice what they preach" and GIVE ALL THEY HAVE THAT THEY ARE ABLE TO WITHOUT CAUSING OTHER'S IN THEIR CONGREATION AS WELL TO GO WITHOUT--to the poor, needy, destitute, widowed/widower, orphan, bastard, lowlife, gutter dwellers, dirty, uncomely, stinky, ugly, most beautiful humans to ever dwell upon this dear planet of ours. To these Ones, my brothers and sisters, i write, not to those who actually have the means of reading this...this is NOT FOR YOU...THIS ONE IS FOR MY FAMILY ON THE STREETS, IN WAR TORN COUNTRIES, HERE AT HOME, AND ABROAD, WHO HAVE NO TOILET TO SHIT IN, NO SHOWER TO STAND IN, NO PILLOW TO REST THEIR HEAD UPON, NO BLANKET TO KEEP WARM, NO FOOD TO FILL THEIR BELLIES. IT IS NOT FOR THE "MIDDLE CLASS" OR POVERTY STRICKEN HUMANS THAT HAVE HOMES I WORK FOR OR CARE ABOUT, THOUGH WHAT I DO BENEFITS ALL HUMANS EQUALLY, EVERY ONE BEING ABLE TO RETAIN THEIR OWN VALUE IN RELATION TO ALL OTHERS, MAINTAINING A SENSE OF is for the purest survivors and soldiers of our human family. the ones that every middle class human and family, once they lose their homes, will go to and ask for help in order to survive, but always passed them by and never helped them or offered any type of assistance, who notice them not. And dear middle class families, when that day comes when you join us on the streets, we will welcome you with the hugest embrace of pure love you will ever feel....because...we know how you feel and EVERYTHING WE HAVE IS YOURS TO HAVE AS YOU WISH, AS YOU NEED, AS YOU ASK. IT IS NOT MUCH, BUT WE TRY....WE TRY....GOD KNOWS WE FUKYN TRY.

IT IS A TRUE MIRACLE...THE MOST INCREDIBLE MIRACLE THAT EXISTS IN THIS UNIVERSE....IS WHEN A HUMAN IS ABLE TO TRANSITION FROM HOMELESSNESS TO HOME. IT TRULY SHOULDN'T BE BUT THE CONDITIONS OF THIS WORLD, AND THE PROBABILITIES VERSUS POSSIBILITIES AND THE ODDS AND RATIOS OF A HUMAN GETTING OFF THE STREETS IS SO ASTRONOMICAL, THAT THE COMBINED NUMBER OF STARS IN THE UNIVERSE IS EQUAL TO VALUE OF ONE WHEN COMPARED TO IT. THE BIG BANG IS NOT A MYSTERY SCIENTISTS...THAT IS EASY TO COMPREHEND AND KNOW EXACTLY THE CONDITIONS BY WHICH IT OCCURRED AND THE "ORIGIN" OF IT. SO, SCIENTISTS, IF YOU WANT TO PROVE YOU ARE AS SMART AS YOU CLAIM YOU ARE....TAKE THE REALITY PROBLEM OF HOMELESSNESS/POVERTY, AND DRAW UP THE MOST PRECISE BLUEPRINT TO ERADICATE IT WITHIN THE TIME OF A SINGLE PRESIDENTIAL TERM. TILL THEN.....SHUT THE FUCK UP BECAUSE I'M ROLLING INTO YOUR SEMINARS, INTO YOUR LIVE INTERVIEWS, INTO YOUR DISCUSSION TO PROVE TO YOU AND ALL YOUR PUPILS AND STUDENTS AND THOSE WHOM YOU PULL THE WOOL OVER THEIR EYES FOR WHATEVER REASONS YOU DO....THAT YES, ME, LONELY AND LOWLY ME, CAME UP WITH THE BLUEPRINT AT AGE FOURTEEN. HOWEVER, DON'T WORRY, I WILL SEND YOU LETTERS AND SUGGESTION CLAIMING TO BE FROM A "PEER" IN YOUR FIELD, WHICH THEN WILL CAUSE YOU TO BE MORE APT TO ACCEPTING THE TRUE SOLUTIONS, BECAUSE IT CAME FROM SOMEBODY "IN YOUR FIELD." Don't worry, I'll make sure that you truly believe that it came from your minds and it was all your ideas. the majority of the world don't read facebook or blogs, etc. So, hell, I'll even pay you as much money as you truly you really know what my dad did, how much money he really made, what money and assetts are actually in my name, only 2 degrees away per se? It only will take me calling two people, having a meeting, filing the necessary paper work, fly to the Philippines and to Switzerland is unlock that which my dad left me, as sole beneficiary. Suffice it to say, my whole life i dealt in numbers pertaining to money, that are large enough to actually privatize world peace IF the governments do not become humane to do that which is so easily done to increase the quality of living of all those who are without, simultaneously all those that are with as well. But those in the Entrusted positions of the government who own/control every resource and element of this earth, must be given the opportunity of their own free will and choice to do that which the 99 knows is the proper thing to do, and that which the 99 would truly do if the positions are reversed. Yet, this is not to be for the sake of "condemning/judging" the Elite. This present time of collective experience is also for those who claim they are humane, who claim they would not do as the Elite has done, to see how they treat those who have treated them in the most horrendous enslaving ways. It is truly THEIR TEST....not the Elite. The Elite were and are literally programmed to provide the Opposition of All that which is truly good, humane, fair, and kind, and perfect. They are truly doing our Common Gods Will....OUR WILL. It is for the benefit of every human being; we MUST GAIN THIS EXPERIENCE FOR US PERSONALLY. Doing so enables us in our future "Eternal" state, to actually have real appreciation of the Body and Environment in which we will find ourselves living in: PERFECT. Happiness is only happiness when your conscious of a perfectly imperfect state of personal living in the past. It cannot be second hand witness, knowing that somebody somewhere else in the present time or in the past "has/had it bad" and "went/going through hell." It must be lived by the self to trigger what we know we have felt at one point in fleeting moments of this life: JOY. Happiness can only be found in the contrasting experiences of "Good and Bad", "Pleasure and Pain", "Joy and Sorrow".
This is the daily life of a human that many, well. EVERY HUMAN WILL 'CONFESS', or simply realize, that he is the "son of god", the "first born", which only means, logistically he was the "first" in something; what is that "something" that he was first in. Nothing. The bible lied. There is no first. But Christ is simply a perfect reflection of every humans higher self, in how they treat every human without fail in the estate in which their higher self resides. Christ IS NOT TO BE COMMENDED, NOR PRAISED OR WORSHIPED OR BOWED DOWN TO FOR ANY REASON. The average human has gone through so much more that our true Christ....however, every human's "energy" is literally connected to that Christ that he truly, at times, bleeds from the pores of his body, and prays unto the "father" that the bitter cup pass by him, that he not drink it up." Christ has no free will. That is why it is EASY FOR HIM TO ALWAYS WITHOUT FAIL TREAT EVERY HUMAN BEING AS EVERY HUMAN SHOULD TREAT ANOTHER. IT IS THE ONLY DEFINITION OF LONELINESS AND NO HUMAN CAN EVERY CLAIM THEY HAVE EVER BEEN LONELY COMPARED TO OUR CHRIST. Those who should be commended and praised and honored, per se, are those who do have free will, and against the odds of the ego and flesh and inclination to have the self always be first, they always do and try their best to always treat themselves and others as they should and want to be treated. It is those messengers, lightworkers, saints, and nondogmatic true blue thru and thru will only call themselves "human" human beings, that Christ has always and will always bow down to. But one thing about Christ, he will always treat others who consider themselves to be his enemies....a milliion times 'BETTER' than his friends. Why? BECAUSE WITHOUT FAIL....MARK MY WORD...WITHOUT FAIL, EVERY ENEMY HAS ALWAYS BECOME HIS FRIEND. NOW THAT IS NOT ROCKET SCIENCE. Please remember: every day is turkey day!

your no way i will ever be humble no matter how humble i sound or write--fellow sibling of our human race: why? because it's not about's about the words of Him who authorized me to give to you. ME...(i just pulled a John Kerry, i must be born for this political bullshit :) when Christ comes, he can speak for himself. Till then, I'm just the fake one and He truly doesn't least this flattery will assist in the establishment of peace and no poverty...well..."i can only hope"...peace. "Love Ya'll".

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