Saturday, November 19, 2016

Letter of a WHISTLEBLOWER to an anonymous party.

My name is James.  The Statement in the Topic Line is true.  My father is John Charles Kammerman, born Jan 10, 1940, retired in 1990 after 23 years of service, being the earliest retiree of the FBI, having been forced to retire and his pension cut because he could not tolerate the corruption in High Places. He created the "Fast Track" program which are the Procedures of Investigation the FBI uses for all their cases (obviously adulterated now).    

I am Stephen Jared Kammerman, born May 12, 1980, in Northridge California.  I am 36 years old and reside on the road because I wrote book that many people want me dead for, who ransacked my apartment, stole my two cars, phones, computers, my father's computer, and my only printed manuscript and backup copies of my book.  

I scheduled  a 52 week book tour starting last Fall (2015) which would also act as a 2016 Presidential Campaign.  

I was apprehended as I was driving out of the city and was arrested without cause, thrown in a mental hospital, denied all rights, assaulted 7 times, force medicated, and when I got out ALL THINGS GONE, after-which the local pd attempted to frame me and plant evidence in my apartment. 

My Father was a Professor of Criminal Law, Constitutional Law, Forensics Law, and White Collar.  He also helped find and operated Hawthorne University for Law Enforcement continuing Higher Education.  

I was his secretary in his private practice of private investigating, due diligence, etc, etc, etc, etc.  His business associates were those who were the financial agents of the B******, C*******, Royal Families of C*** and E*****.  Together, in S**********, they confiscated all my father's assets with no due process of law---stolen.  

The reason I did not go to college or get any degree of any kind was very prove to the Elite that an "average" human among the 99 percenters truly has a perfect understanding of every aspect of money and financial instruments and associated laws, and how every government operates in theory and in much so that they would listen to me as the the Spokeperson worldwide for and in behalf of all the 99 that are indentured servants.  I know ALL MY FATHER KNOWS, I AM HIS PROTEGE...but he did not have the EXPERIENCES of being in company of many other entities, namely, the entities that oversee this solar system that represent the "Allies" who are in the process of Implementing the HIGHER LAW, by slowly replacing the LOWER LAW of Man, little by little.  

I just watched a video of yours about HOW that is going to be done but you admit that you did not know or have the answer.

I have the Paleaides burned into my right and left hand, plus marks burned in my palms and in my feet, to always remind me of a human I am very close to, that was crucified upon a cross on calvary.

I have perfect recollection of all my pasts lives and who and what I am and whose Errand I run, since I was 14 years old.  I was told back then and knew that I would be running for the Presidency in 2016 and every election after till I become President or am killed trying to do so, or killed after it happens...which the recoccurring dream I have is that I am killed rallying the people and shot on Inaguration Day.  

It is that simple.  They have since 14 giving me communciation to create the perfect blueprint to truly eradicate poverty, permanently heal the worlds economic crisis, and implement techlogical procedures that would recycle and renew mother Earth for us now, and other generations to come....we are building the bridge to the beginning of the millenium when every weapon will finally, by every persons free will, never fire again, nor any human have any desire to do harm to themselves or others, in the mind or body...ever again.  

Nothing is ever done by force or violence, ever.  

This is not a solicitation for anything.  I simply felt that I should send this to you.

If you wish to contact me, you are always welcome to do so.  I believe you are doing that which is most beneficial for our entire human race....if you want the true answer about exactly what happens to a soul/spirit upon death, and the physical and time logistics and patterns, concderning all people, but differs for each individual...then just ask yourself and ponder for a bit and listen to no other human but yourself.  And it shall be unfolded to you in your mind all the things that you ask, with sincerity in heart, not for the sake of consuming it upon the lusts of ones material or emotional gain...than ye shall receive.

With Kind regards,

Stephen Jared Kammerman

(legal name change to "James Stephen Maurice",  Facebook 

I have skype or personal number upon request.

I am the sole owner of all my fathers assets and retain all business contacts throughout the world....but he did not have my contacts from outside this world :) Though my father did not know that i was working on this my whole life, he lived a parrallel life with the same end in mind---the total eradication of poverty, thus he developed many things and made many plans for all countries that would do just that, and recycle this planet.  some of these technologies i am sitting...

(sorry for grammar or I said...i'm on the street typing on my laptop in the middle of utah winter )


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