Friday, November 18, 2016


Without further adieu, The following is the Presidential Inauguration Speech to be given on Monday January 20, 2021, written “by the hand of James” on Monday, May 11, 2015 @ 2:00 A.M, finished @ 9:11 A.M Actually it won’t be given at all because it’s very boring and on that Inauguration day NO politician will be allowed to speak and ONLY live music and the best bands in the world will be playing for everyone’s pure enjoyment and enlightenment---but if you want it read, then it will be read by my niece, Anna, because I am shy and don’t like to speak boring shit when the words do nothing, but only actions behind closed doors does---got it? Good! 


What If Jesus Was Born in the United States and Became President.

Alternative Title:

The United States is Finally One Nation Under the Reign of The True Christ

Four scores and seven years ago I don’t have a damn clue about what was going on, but I do know what happened exactly a quarter score ago…
On a Saturday, 9 May 2015, I walked into a hat store in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.  A sexy man named Damieon asked me if I’d like to try on a hat.  So I did.  As he was fitting me for the hat, I saw one similar to what Lincoln wore and said to Damieon, “I can be Lincoln if I wear that hat.”  He mentioned something about Kennedy’s Inauguration speech…I said, “Ya, I’m gonna be President, would you vote for me?”  He replied, “Well, I’d have to read your inauguration speech first before I decide.”  I knew he thought I was joking, but he obviously didn’t know he was talking to the very individual that would be elected by the United Voice of the People of the World— and obviously the citizens of the U.S.A, President of the United States of America no later than 2024.  I was told in the summer of 2005 that I in fact would become president if I choose to put in motion a plan that was conceived by only a few people that no people upon this earth know; they came to me and I agreed that I would ride that wave. Because of Damieon I realized it would be pertinent to write my own speech for all to read long before I become president even though I will not read anything to anyone or to the public and I will speak freely at that very moment I am to address anyone (Therefore this obviously will not be read at that time).  Nonetheless, to conform to the expectation of the world of giving a pointless speech that has never done anything for the benefit of the world---I will write out basically what I believe I would say when I am sworn into office because this Speech will actually be the only one given by a President that will benefit every human.
Well, My dear brother Damieon---at this time I am speaking to you from the future yet writing to you in the present time of 2015.  This is for you.  This is for your family.  This is for your friends, your enemies, and your foes.  This is for every person you walk by on the Toronto streets that are starving, who use the sidewalk as their bed and the cement stair as their pillow---those whom you wish deep in your heart and soul, that if you could truly heal their situation, to relieve their suffering, you would.  This is to all children that have been kicked out by their parents because they believe differently, or had a beer, smoked a cigarette or joint, done drugs, had premarital sex and/or got pregnant and was gay or have been wholly disowned and rejected because they have gone to jail or prison and appear to be a hardened criminal though I know deep inside every prisoner hearing my voice is not hardened, yea, not even one.  To all those who have suffered because of the discrimination of others, and ALLl people have suffered at the hand of their own government. Not all people have been treated horribly by their family or friends, but EVERY PERSON has been wronged by their governments.  Therefore, I only have the intent to insure that every government becomes and stays humane and does not violate the rights of a human being---simply put:  the right to the pursuit of personal happyness.  A government should be a haven when all others reject you-and that is done by protecting your right to pursue your own desire of happyness.  So, to the kings and queens of this world, to the wealthy, corporate plantation owners, owners of the world banks and all those who think you are in complete control of human fate---my friend shared a saying with me:  My “fuck it” is out of order but my “I will fuck you up” is fully operational.  But fortunately for all people I’ve figured out how to make the rich richer than ever before by fighting so called “Life Sustaining Wars” rather than “Life Destroying Wars”, while simultaneously raising the standard of living of the poor to where one day no person will ever lack their basic necessities for the pursuit of their own happyness.  We’ll find out if money talks.  If the wealthy government heads and banks could have figured out how to make more money being at peace than at war, they would have done it long ago-because the only thing they care about is money.  But because of the people who created the monetary system are not smart enough and all those politicians, phd’s and think tanks couldn’t figure it can you expect the world to change course with their type of thought and so called (lots of coughs) education.  They don’t have the solution though they have been paid countless dollars to figure out a viable and achievable plan to do so, or actually, paid to NOT find solutions and to taint the ones they know of.  And if these politicians have food and homes, they will never be in a hurry to help anyone who has no food or home. 
“Filibuster Mother F*****S!”
So, most presidents and politicians don’t write their own speeches.  But no one speaks for me.  Is everyone expecting some flowery rhetoric to appease you, to stretch out the time to when you truly hate me because I lied about everything I said I was going to do.  Why get your hopes up?  The government truly has wasted your money and your time.  Why the hell does anyone need to listen to anyone about anything? So, I’m not going to waste your time.  Go read all the inauguration speeches from past presidents that promise and don’t deliver.  They have all been puppets but no power upon this world has the ability to tie strings to me.  I’ve already proved to the whole world that I will do what I say I will do, and I will accomplish what I told you I will accomplish.  That’s why I was elected.  How is it though that I proved it? I showed you in a movie and a documentary released in 2020.  And the whole reason why I was elected was because you believed what I produced.  I therefore am now obligated by my own word to do what I said I will do—or obviously at the very least, waste and wear out my body, soul, and mind in my effort to do so till the day I am killed.  And what was the catalyst that brought me to this point?
At the age of 14 I volunteered at a soup kitchen in Salt Lake City Utah, home of the LDS/Mormons-The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and Utah Jazz.  It was the first time I became cognizant of poverty; I literally did not know that there was such a thing. I never saw it.  Never.  But when I did my brain split in two.  It made no sense to me-it shattered my mind and soul.  So after eating with my fellow humans in the soup kitchen I walked outside to the parking lot and I looked up across the street and saw the delta center where the Utah jazz played—at that very moment I wished missiles would launch from my eyes to destroy such a grotesque site. The cost of that building alone contrasted with what I just witnessed. Baffling!  Sometimes a picture is worth only two words:  That picture shouted a resounding “HOLY F***?”  I thought there were people in government and professors to prevent such a thing.  I instantly realized none of them were worth their weight in salt; they are all phonies because if they were truly smart, or rather-           if they had TRUE LOVE there’d be no poverty-that simple.   Then I passed the Mormon temple and its worldwide headquarters and its conference center, with the homeless surrounding it but not allowing to sleep, seek refuge, and be protected upon their property…the homeless are not allowed to get close to what the Mormons call-The House of the Lord…the very Lord that allegedly said that “pure religion…is to take care of the widowed and fatherless and relieve them of their afflictions.”  The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, who claims that the president of their church literally speaks face to face with Jesus Christ, tried to pass a law that it would be illegal for any person to pan handle or solicit for anything outside of their own property and throughout the whole city… wanted to clean up around their precious temple.  At that moment I said to myself:  “I will spend my whole life in pursuit of the annihilation of < poverty>- period!” (I didn’t even know the word).
Years went by and I observed these so called smart people enact more and more laws to restrict the free will of people and increase poverty.  All politicians, phd’s, and leaders of religions became laughing stocks to me, they are like children playing in a sandbox; and I noticed that the color of their souls and suits were the all the same–black. They all dressed and continue to dress the exact same…boring ass power hungry people who want to and actually have the desire to rule over other humans-very sad.   Then I realized, the only people that would desire to be in any political office is because they actually have the desire to rule and reign over other people and to make life long business connections to ensure that their basic necessities of life are guaranteed to them and their own family…for the rest of their lives.  They are fake.  They are literally the truest and purest form of actors that exist in the universe—they play a character and stay in character till they finally have enough money they need to retire comfortably.  
All politicians use their position for private gain---a felony—therefore, everyone that has done so and found to do so will be prosecuted by the law of the land which dictates that if you are guilty of such you will go to prison.  So sorry to bust your bubbles senators and representatives…I have unlimited funds outside of the government from a private entity that have already started the investigations which will lead to your indictments on the majority of you.  And guess what?  Many of you will be spending much time in prison.  Doh! You didn’t see that one coming did you Homer?  This I SWEAR to you: this time no amount of money will keep you out of prison.  So you better start leaving on your jet planes to Canada or Switzerland if you don’t want to go to prison or you can resign immediately and all charges will be dropped.  Saying corrupt and politician together is redundant.  Ironically, all politicians in office right now will proudly say “I am a politician”. You sure are but I certainly am not.  I am not here to be friends with any one of you…I am your enemy because you are an enemy of the people but I am your only real friend upon this earth.   Because of that I am here to make you feel so uncomfortable in your own skin around me that you puke in my presence and stay sick until you run way from the Capital and never return and should you choose to stay and remain but don’t change your ways and start loving the gays who hit the hay then I will perhaps to god pray to have your heads severed and put on a tray.  I personally will even pay you to leave…more money than you can ask for.  How about this?  Name your retirement price to leave Washington and I will double it and my wealthy friends who are more powerful than the illuminati will guarantee payment to your account.  They don’t want you here.  But all you have to do is one thing:  Admit to the world that you are a fool, a liar, a hypocrite, that you hate Jesus and never follow his ways.  That’s it and you will be compensated more money than you would have made if staying in office and continuing your business relationships till the day you die.  You don’t believe me.  It will only take one of you to do it to prove to all else that I am a human of my word. Try me!  I welcome it all day long.  Here’s the caveat:  You have ONE DAY, twenty four hours to consider.  After which the offer is removed from the table.  Place your name on a paper and turn it in like a good little school girl or boy; and if you don’t - then simply understand: your ass in MINE and you don’t want me to drop my pants.
And for those who want to be in this United States Government-don’t get in this career if you desire to become a legal criminal as those before you.  I got elected by the people to be their eyes—ON YOU—I’m Saint Nick!  I am not an actor or politician like any one of you.  You know that because prior to the election I did not have to show up to a single debate-why?  Because I DO NOT DEBATE.   There is nothing to debate when the only thing that matters is the eradication of poverty,  which will exponentially decrease crime here in America, which will cause the people to not up rise in the future, thus preventing the inevitable civil war, eventually bringing peace and equality to this earth.   If anyone argues against such a thing, especially when the means to eradicate poverty does not infringe upon the free will of any person, you are a true fool and a nemesis to all things good and humane.   You should be willing to say, “Okay, what do we do and how much do we pass the bill for to create worldwide peace…easy peasy?”  The following is not a side-note: if you haven’t been homeless or eaten out of a trash can to survive, you are not qualified to be in the most entrusted positions of the nation and world.  Therefore, if you can’t state when and where you ate food from a trash can and you can find witnesses to verify such…then do the world a favor and pull your lip over your head and swallow or shut the fuck up, because you have no authority in the eyes of the people and step down from your position and give it up to other people that truly have the humanity to be a real servant of the people, not a person that wants to be in office to be served by the people.  Unfortunately and ironically, the only people that should be in government to rule and reign over people, are those who do not desire in any way, shape, or form, to rule and reign over people---to truly be a servant of all the people—NOT the majority, but a servant of ALL people EQUALLY; for how is it fair and equitable that 51% of people get what they want and 49% of people don’t?  Land of Equality! Riiiiighht!. FUCK DEMOCRACY!  THIS WILL RETURN TO THE REPUBLIC OF THE UNITED PEOPLE OF AMERICA; where we are ruled by JUST LAW ONLY, and not corrupt judges, lawyers, prosecutors, state, local, and federal law enforcement and corporate criminals called lobbyists and 9 pee little brained RETARDED and WICKED Supreme Court Judges that have no more ability to adjudicate any case than a fetus does to eat fried chicken.   
There is not a politician in Washington or the Several States that is a true servant of the people.  I know I CANNOT be bought or bribed with anything-period; my family knows it, my friends know it, every person that I’ve worked with or for - know it; they can all testify to that fact.  Since I have nothing to hide I guess it wouldn’t personally hurt me to be fully exposed to the world.  So I had no choice on the matter.  Because I hate Hollywood and actors, MEANING THAT I AM SHY AND IT PISSES ME OFF THAT I CAN’T DO WHAT THEY DO BECAUSE IT SURE SEEMS THAT HAVE MORE FUN THAN ANY HUMANS ON EARTH, I decided to use their own poison---cinema, which has fucked up this world, BECAUSE OF THE VIEWERS AND NOT MAKERS-- in order to use it for good to heal the world.   I pitched a perfect script of a reality TV show to some producers that would be edited down and put in film format to be released at the Caan, Toronto, and Sundance film festivals first,  then be officially released to the world on January 21, 2017.  I began working with them in the summer of 2005 “behind the scenes” to work out the proper timing of what truly would come to pass;  I entitled it “The Experiment—How a Kid With Only a High School Degree Will Become President of the United States”, which simply showed to the world that all this was conceived in my mind as a child, documenting my own life on how I’ve got to this point showing the world that I knew beyond any shadow of doubt that I would become President…therefore the normal people and especially the youth realized---this dude is the NEW “Real Deal”, he actually is “one of us” normal poor people who lived on the streets and ate out of trash cans and was molested as a child and who was a drug addict and still am; who was given passing grades by his teachers because they liked him which was the only way he got a high school diploma because he never showed up to school.  So what happened? You know what happened because the youth voted for me in record numbers that will never be surpassed by any future president.  
I also produced an accompanying documentary entitled “Here It Is:  The Perfect Plan That Will Eradicate Poverty and Permanently Heal the World’s Economic Crisis”, explaining perfectly to all people of every walk of life living under any type of economic infrastructure exactly how poverty can be eradicated without force or mandate, protecting the free will of all people, that perfectly appeased “both sides of the aisle.”  And because of that documentary, the poor, middle class, rich, and the so called “smart people” voted for me.  Most importantly, these two works I produced caused me to gain the respect and united support of Hollywood.  And that is why I had to use cinema to get here-because I knew that whoever Hollywood united behind, those two people would fill the Presidency…because after my ONE term as President, there will no longer be ANY president of the united states…such position will be “filled” by Just Laws and Strict parameters of just causes to enter war, that will be known by every citizen, and the Joint Chief of Staff along with the secretary of state with the 50 voices of the governors of every state, will be the actual president of the united states…it is their role, because their role is to truly represent every citizens voice and security.  AND no law can be changed or altered or any declaration of war drafted and acted upon without the unanimous consent of those 52 people.  There is no need for the Senate or House anymore, because they are all lobbyists representatives of the corporations having sought to be “voted” in by the people for personal gain in the form of making life long business connections to boost their “401 K”.  Make sense. WE WILL NO LONGER HAVE ANY KING….AND THAT KING IS COMPRISED OF THE PRESIDENT AND CONGRESS.  NO KING, OR ONE PERSON’S VOICE WILL HAVE THE CAPABILITY OR AUTHORITY TO THRUST THIS NATION, THUS THE WORLD, INTO A DEEPER PIT OF POVERTY AND WAR, THAT WE AS A PEOPLE, AND ECONOMY, AND OUR PSYCHE CANNOT DIG OURSELVES OUT OF.    
Now you can see that I truly have been appointed by the people to represent their needs---to be their voice.   I heard their call crying out from the streets.  Crying out because of starvation and homelessness. Crying out because their husbands beat them. Crying out because their husbands and wives and moms and dads and brothers and sisters and aunts and uncles and cousins were all killed by bombs and guns and they no longer will have a toilet to poop in for the rest of their lives, or running water, or electricity, or a roof to sleep to sleep and commune with their family and friends under. Hearing the call of every human, children and adults, who’ve been forced into the most detestable concept conceived in the heart of a man-prostitution.  ALL OF THESE ATROCITIES BECAUSE OF POVERTY! Hearing the call of every person rotting in a prison cell, treated worse than the stray homeless dog…their suffering….everyone’s suffering….I heard everyone calling me to do this. Someday I will explain to you why, literally, every human mind is connected to mine…I am the only one under the Son upon this earth where my brain was constructed for this capability. So obviously, there was no option…no one else will do it so I chose to, figured it out really simply—after all it was in my Universal Job Description to do so…so I guess that helped a bit.  And whala, whadyaknow?! I AM WHO I AM.  YOU ARE WHO YOU ARE.  I LET YOU BE YOU, YOU LET ME BE ME. PEACE. 
 A warning to every man out there that beats his wife/girlfriend and/or children, physically, mentally, sexually; in ANY way:  The time will come when the government will provide, without reservation, for their divorcing you and leaving you and will provide for them and their children.  If you don’t want to lose your wives that you treat horribly—treat them right; because poverty will no longer be a reason why a wife or mother or girlfriend stays with you.  So you have exactly till the year 2022…two years from this time to keep abusing them if they stay with you; after that they will all leave your sorry asses.  I’m here because I heard their cries.  I am the worst of worst enemies to all those who treat others inhumanely.  I am here to crush the patriarchal mentality of this world and it will be done. The male ego will be destroyed and women will finally be in charge of this world.  We have seen collectively what the male ego has done, you men have had your chance to prove what happens when you’re in control…I’m showing you NOW what happens when a real “man” (exactly the opposite of every man) is in control of this world - and what happens?  “She” comes with a sickle in her hand to dismember the rod that governs your mind and this world.  “She” HATES THAT MEMBER…ESPECIALLY HER OWN!  
So yes, those listening around the world, you have always been in my mind; every human being-my fellow world siblings.  I apologize to the world on behalf of the arrogance of the holier than thou attitude of my fellow brothers and sisters in America—who ostensibly claim that that actually believe in Jesus, but certainly don’t believe in being disciplined in his words and ways of humanity.  Yes, we have overthrown democratically elected governments and replaced them with puppet governments---we have killed many people.  Yes we needed to get to the Mideast to have a stake in oil but guised it in the name of fighting terrorism.  But yes, there is a real threat of those who want to annihilate every American and those who do not belong to their religion and they seem to not want to compromise on their position or will not concede to peace; this is a fact, there truly are people that feel that way and act upon it. That threat is real.  I will single handedly neutralize their threat.  It will never be through violence…it will be through a way this world has never seen before.  At that point the world will finally believe who I am.  But for now…I’m your certified schizophrenic president…what do you say to that mental health profession. To my mentally ill brothers and sisters…you are not mentally ill.  Those therapists and drug pushers are the ones that are.  Get this…I had multiple psychiatrists…all with different diagnosis…Adjustment disorder, obsessive compulsion personality disorder, schizoaffective disorder, schizotypal syndrome, bipolar disorder, depression, maniaism.   Countless professionals educated in the exact same school of thought and they each gave me a different diagnosis.  Hahahaha!  I’m just human….human…….………………….human
And now to the Natives of this land, the only real Americans- We stole your land.  The deed of those lands will immediately be transferred back to your tribes and they will receive all benefits therefrom.  And to the fake Americans-don’t you realize the real Americans would have indefinitely shared their land with you but because you broke EVERY treaty with them and you didn’t allow them to live in peace they rose up; and because Americans do not believe in Jesus or his words, you massacred them.  YOU CHRISTIANS EXTINCTIFIED OVER 500 NATIONS OF THE MOST HUMANE PEOPLE THAT HAVE EVER ROAMED UPON THIS MOTHER EARTH.  DO YOU BELIEVE IN KARMA?                                         J
To the Japanese, sorry we destroyed you and you still have fall out till this day and the U.S. doesn’t care to compensate you for that. Same with Vietnam, Korea, Iraq, Afghanistan, and every other country we’ve done it to.  All countries that the U.S. has messed up will get what is appropriately due to them. The time is now when you will be compensated though it doesn’t erase what we did, but you will finally be properly compensated.  We will stay where you need us, but our soldiers will turn their swords into plowshares and build the cities we destroyed.  Our soldiers don’t want to kill.  Forgive them.  Forgive us all world. I am asking for forgiveness from the whole world on behalf of The Divided States of America.  It’s a new day, a new era.
Why would you disagree with the principles I have presented?  I will protect everyone’s free will and right to be happy in the way they see fit so long as they do not infringe upon any other human from being able to do the same thing.  I will not violate your rights.  I will not entertain or sit down with any corporate heads and their favorite politicians—them hoping that I will support their special causes.  I will not entertain their lobbyists and support their special causes.  There will never again be any earmarks put in any bill perpetually giving these “special causes” money, which they only keep passing so they can use their public position for private gain.  Congress pay is now permanently capped…and that cap will never be lifted from off their bald heads.  I will never stop foot on a golf course but I actually can kick Tiger’s ass.  I will never go on a vacation.  I will never rest until poverty is annihilated and peace is finally found upon this earth---I will actually be and stay on every front line of every battle the United States is involved in that pertains to the physical, emotional, and monetary security of every one of its citizens.  The ONLY reason why I was married and had children because I thought the majority of the population would not have voted for a single man---I guess that means they wouldn’t have voted for Jesus. Anyway.  But I thought it would be vital to have a “traditional family” because of America’s discrimination toward others who don’t live their type of Christian Life.  But I will tell you the truth:  It is of utmost importance and the best for America, therefore the world- if I am not married and have children because having a personal life and needs could distract me from my duties as Commander and Chief, in that I would have a family to be a father and husband to. The purpose of me saying this is yes…The citizens of this country are my true wife and children and yes I would never hurt them and always protect them.   My family is willing to be killed on behalf of this nation- They know that THIS NATION IS MY ONE AND ONLY PERSONAL PRIORITY.  So I had children, though I never consciously would have ever brought another soul into this godforsaken world because I couldn’t even take care of myself and had no money.  You see who and what I am …You now are a nation under the chilliest dude who will provide liberty and justice for all—You are one nation under god.  Why I say god? I am not he or she or it.  You are.  YOU PLACED ME HERE- I just wanted to show you the true power of one.  I’ve had plenty of proposals from men and women to marry them and live off their money, live rich, and travel the world the rest of my life.  I chose not to, I cannot be enticed.  I am a person of principle that does not waver or flip flop…but you can see I’m wearing a pair (sandals people…sandals).
To those who think I am part of the Illuminati- I am not from the Illuminati of this world that reigns with blood and horror, restricting your free will.  I am here to illuminate them with an Illumination that will bring them to their knees.  Yes, I can eradicate poverty and bring world peace, without deception and violence.  I do not deceive.  I cannot.  It is impossible.  I can only speak truth.  I can tell you the five lies, one I told to my best friend in junior high to boost my own ego, and four to my parents to protect my privacy; it did not hurt them though.  If I knew the lies would have hurt them I would not have told them.  Like...DUH!  It made me sick so I had no choice but to tell them I lied. 
In California when I was 7 years old I was playing tag with my 5 year old neighbor, I actually pushed him down onto the sidewalk and he got cut and bruised.  Instantly my brain changed-a voice told me: “Never place your hands upon a person in offense or without their permission.”  I looked to see where the voice came from and I saw a man I never saw before till years later in a different state-Utah, and then Ontario, and then in Georgia, and then in Oregon, and then again in California. But how did he know where I’d be?  I don’t know! I started to wonder if he was my biological father because I grew up to look exactly like him except he has the most brilliant penetrating baby blue eyes-a blue that I have not seen upon this earth; also I do not look like my biological parents in any way.  He also looked the same the first time I saw him as the last time I saw him---it appeared to me that he did not age in 23 years---so if you were to see him stand side by side with me you would think we were identical twins, only difference are the eyes.  He must have access to some high tech anti-aging cream or technology known by very few.  Aside from the first time he spoke and what he said, the other times he met me he only said two words, smiled upon me, and leave; those words: use wisdom.  I never asked him anything or spoke to him—I was simply curious and intrigued.  So, because of that man I cannot push people down, mentally, emotionally, or physically.  I cannot lie or deceive. I cannot hurt. It is impossible.
So, go home and chill people.  I know that in the very near future poverty will cease to be in America…becoming a model for all to see how poverty is eradicated and true peace established.  No person, not one, will ever have to wonder if they will be naked, where the next meal is coming from, if they will have a bed to sleep in, if they can get medicine or surgery when they are sick, and if they can pay for the education they want or if they’ll have transportation for these things. This in and of itself will empty the prisons.  Yet prisons are needed.  But all of them will be torn down after a new one is built to replace it that is on average 6 times the size of cell for each human.  No more inmates.  Each will have their own shower, own toilet, own mirror, own television, own radio.  Prisons will be a place for our brothers and sisters to actually feel loved and cared about; they need a true example of pure love, probably for the first time in their lives, because that is the only thing that will rehabilitate them. People are upset at criminals for taking away the dignity of other people and then we do it to them.  Cops, Correctional Officers, FBI’s, Sheriffs-if you are found to abuse any human being in your custody you will be swapped out with that prisoner and serve the remaining sentence of that prisoner and he or she will be set free immediately regardless of what their charge is.  So let it be written, so let it be done.  That’s how it works folks.  We will create true laws that prevent people from violating the free will any human.  Laws are to be preventative, first, then consequential, second.
Now-I have a thing to say to those who protest violently.  It is counterproductive because the government then is justified to increase its police powers.  Sure, shout for your rights but be peaceful.  Those who are provocateurs—even the police that go undercover in civilian clothes to incite riots…if any department is found to do such a thing ever again-I will make sure you go to prison, not just lose your job; for it is my duty to protect all people from their own government.  All people’s rights will now be protected and preserved because I am now in office.  Yes, effective immediately all people have the right to marry who they want.  This is the United States of America…it’s not the government’s business to restrict your inalienable human rights but to afford them to you; and equally vital – you have the right to privacy.  Those rights are now returned to you and are guaranteed those rights if you reside within the borders of the United States--- WHATEVER STATE—because we are now the real United States-we will not be divided.  Effective immediately- all drugs are legal.  Why? First, I’m tired of shit weed from Mexico.    Your weed sucks.  We don’t want it anymore and it will be pointless for you to continue to bring you inferior product here.  AND AGAIN, Humans have the right to privacy and what you put into your own body is only your business.  And just in case those who are arrested by arrogant, pompous police of feds for any drug charge, I am signing a presidential pardon for all people that have not injured any party, thus in reality and legal definition: HAS COMMITTED NO CRIME.  This means, effective immediately, all those who have any type of drug charge and is imprisoned shall be released.  No person that puts anything into their body which doesn’t result in them injuring someone-is not a criminal.  For a crime to exist there must be an injured party and since the State cannot be an injured party-there is no crime.  Second, it simply makes economic sense. Also, you will no longer have to register your car every year nor can you get a speeding ticket or traffic ticket because there is no injured party.  Supreme Court law, case law, and The Constitution of the United States and all States protect the right to travel freely–free means free.   This will cut through the red tape, the bureaucracy that is created only for money and not for the people.  I am the people’s lawyer.  I REPRESENT THE PEOPLE.  I have a license to practice a kind of law you know not of, nor do you want me to begin to practice.  Please use wisdom.  States, you will have whatever money you need to supplement the money lost from those farce laws you depend on for income. If other countries follow suit, that is their choice, their culture, their country.  We will not seek to over throw any government other than our own when we mess up.
We’ve heard many talks about big government and the fear mongers that spread discord and malice.  I love it.  Why? By definition every countries government should be gigantic because the people are the government.  They will now truly represent themselves.  They will vote on all matters having to do with their pursuit of happyness.  We have the technology so people can vote from their own computers and phones and not leave their home. We will utilize it.  Laws will be simplified—if the lay person cannot understand it, so they can vote on it…I will burn it until its rewritten properly.   Judges, you are to administer these laws-no more abuse of discretion.  Do you hear me?  I will have a committee- one person per judge that will report to me on all cases that meet criteria that need a quick intervention.  I will introduce a program that triples the judges we have because people should not wait to go to trial.  They should not wait years or even months.  If a defendants case is reversed and they are released they will receive $1 thousand per day they were in custody.  NO PERSON, until they are convicted by jury will spend a day in jail or prison unless there is irrefutable evidence that is prima facie for the guilt of the crime.  By law, an individual does not have to have a license to practice law from the Bar Association.  So judges, never ask a person and kick them out of the court room if they are representing someone who needs representation.  The law is the law.  All people have the right to assert those laws in any peaceful capacity but it’s the judges duty to assert those laws in any way for and in behalf of plaintiff and defendant.  The people will now represent themselves and anyone who can’t- I will.  I am the commander and chief.  It is my duty to protect every citizen from its own government and secure their inalienable rights.  Very simple believe you me.   
The funniest thing is this:  I just proved to the world that anyone with a high school education can become President of the United States—and it literally was and is the EASIEST THING I HAVE DONE IN MY LIFE…I REPEAT THAT…BECOMING PRESIDENT WAS THE EASIEST THING I HAVE DONE OR ACCOMPLISHED IN MY LIFE…and why was it easy?  I didn’t have to do anything. I guess this country just might be worth it after all….they finally elected a black president, then a lady president…then me…oh ya, before I forget---I guess it kind of helped that the most powerful people upon this earth handpicked me and wanted a radical revolution to actually end all war and eradicate poverty but they wanted no connection to me and did not in any way help me monetarily and I would not have received any because then I wouldn’t have been just a normal person with a high school education–I would have been wealthy, just like every politician…because that was the point…I figured out how to become president WITHOUT MONEY BEING THE MEANS TO DO SO.  Ya, go figure, well, you don’t have to…I already did!  There are a few in the elite that truly care, but even they with all the world’s money at their disposal still couldn’t figure out what I did.  Truth be told:  I WENT TO THEM.  I PROVED TO THEM THAT I COULD DO IT---so to those individuals---thanks for believing in this human race; one day the world you will know them but no person knows who they truly are but they are among you every day. I am the first, only, and last President of the United States that cannot be bought nor be persuaded by anybody to do anything for anything accept for in the case of annihilating poverty and for the greater good of humanity...there is no length I would not go to accomplish such, EXPECT USING VIOLENCE OR FORCE OF ANY KIND. But I tell you the truth—I was bought—by my selfishness for what I want to do that makes me happy—if I want my island in the sun, everyone else must get theirs first…and I will be last.  It will happen…for I have seen it.  I cannot be killed until 2027.  That is why I do not nor ever will need the secret service.  What a waste of money.  Ya, imagine this, all these humans with guns surrounding me when I can blink my eye and think a thought and instantly render all weapons inoperable.  Don’t worry, I’ll still let you kill one another because it’s entertainment to you—I’ll never ruin your entertainment.  I will in fact add to it because I already know I will be shot in the head between the eyes.  Why?  Because I offered to the world free food, clothing, shelter, healthcare, education.  You won’t bite this hand that feeds you…YOU WILL PUT A BULLET IN THE HEAD OF THE PERSON THAT FEEDS YOU.  AND YOU WONDER WHY I WANT TO DESTROY ALL OF YOU INSTANTLY AND HAVE YOU LITERALLY WAKE UP FROM AN EXTREMELY DEEP SLEEP BACK INTO YOUR OWN INDIVIDUAL REAL UNIVERSES---OR WHAT YOU REFER TO AS “HEAVEN”? But believe me, I am happy that I will be killed and cannot wait, it brings me peace and solace to know I don’t have to deal with my fellow brothers and sisters who forget and refuse to remember who they are and why they exist.  I am tired. I am done. It is finished. 
So, for future reference the only thing I ever am concerned about is your right to the pursuit of happiness which obviously means first and foremost I am to ensure your protection from all enemies foreign and domestic so you can be free to be happy; but no person is happy being stricken with poverty.  Therefore the only thing I work for is for the eradication of that, because the foundation of happiness is having food in your mouth, clothes upon your body, medicine when you need it, and an education of your choice.  And no person can truly be happy, even the wealthiest, if they see suffering. We are human, we are humane.  Truly think to yourself, can you be happy if even just one person in this world is hungry.  So to increase your happiness and to assuage the guilt that all people feel for their own responsibility of either causing poverty or perpetuating it or not being able to do anything about it…your burden of guilt is relieved…it’s upon my shoulders and mine alone…no one has to worry…elevate your peace of mind and say goodbye to guilt because the youngest generation upon this earth right now will not know poverty because it will no longer exist--  and I do reiterate that I need to protect you from all enemies, foreign and domestic …I’ll tell you exact what must be done and what will be done to ensure your protection in all future generations in my first press conference…and yes it will make every past president look very inept, everyone is going to say “why the hell does a high school kid come up with that shit…WHO really taught him these things?” The Answer:  TWO THREE YEAR OLD LITTLE GIRL WHOSE NAMES ARE ANGEL AND GRACE.  Yes, indeed, and finally:  the wisdom of this world has now perished and it was because of the words that came out of the mouth of babes, and of course…female ones.
Think upon this:  If there was one day every year that we assigned and all people in the world that has communication to know…if each person knew that all others in the world at the same time sat still and did not move and closed their eyes for one minute…for only one minute…60 seconds…and after literally stare into moon or the sun for 6 more seconds…you may not believe me…but imagine for one whole minute the world ceased to hurt each other….for the first time upon this earth…it will elevate the collective conscience and transform this world over night into a world you could have only imagined one minute before but would become reality in a blink of an eye…if all people blinked their eyes 60 times then stared into the sun or moon for 6 more seconds every June 6 at 4:30 am Toronto time…poverty would literally disappear instantly BECAUSE THE ONLY THING THAT WE ALL MUST DO IS TO LEARN TO LIVE IN PEACE FOR ONLY ONE LOUSY MINUTE AND JUST LOOK UP. THAT IS IT. I don’t know what is true or not, well okay, ya I do, but according to Christian scripture doesn’t “prophesy” that IT WILL HAPPEN  “in the blink of an eye.”  But no religionist or scientist will do it because they all at once don’t want to be proven wrong and become totally humiliated…they are “yella.”   I also believe it says “be still and know that I am god”.  Say that to yourselves:  Be still and know that I am god! I just want to know the gods that my fellow human beings are.  So, be still and know that ye are and can be your own saviors and Buddhas and Yeshuas and Allahs and Krishna’s.  But yes, if all people sat still for one minute it would all be over and peace would be upon this world instantly, literally, instantly.  You still don’t believe me…I know…but why wouldn’t you…I figured out how to become president and I did it very easily with a high school diploma.  Like… DUH!  I’m here to flood this world with blue and destroy all other colors---white and black no longer exist…we are true blue through and through…why do you think the Universe inspired James Cameron to create the Avatar movie?  Anyway, it is your choice if you want it to be flooded metaphorically with the color blue or literally with the purest water in the universe.  I have brought to this world anew water and if you drink it you will never thirst again.  If you choose not to, then a new kind of fire unknown to humans will destroy this world. AND NO, I AM NOT SPEAKING ABOUT WEAPONS.  YOU USE WEAPONS…I ONLY USE WORDS THAT RESEMBLE A TWO EDGE SWORD.
So, the only way for me to stop being insane which was caused by poverty and war, was to get in the most powerful position in the world and do it myself. So yes-my motive was truly selfish.  I was going to kill myself if I had to endure others people suffering…it made me insane…but before I did kill myself, which actually couldn’t be done because I tried,  I had to do all in my power to change that. So that’s what I did.  I wrote this 5 years ago because a man named Damieon in a hat store wanted to read what I would say if I became president…so I wrote it then gave it to him and he was the first and only person to read it…and then for some reason he was like “holy fuck---this can’t be real…but he sure does sound convincing…he’s just mind fucking me for shits and giggles”…then after I left he simply remembered looking into my eyes and seeing my simple jovial smile…and he realized that that individual standing in from of him---the blue surfer dude from Simi Valley, California---could not lie about such a thing and to capture someone’s attention and take their time especially at their work and upon a subject matter as serious as this is an extremely mean thing to do…then he realized I simply was and am not a mean person….but then two years went by without me contacting him and he started wondering and chalked it up as a bizarre experience…then a couple years later that surfer dude came in to his shop again with a camera crew to film the very first scene of the movie which captured the moment when I asked him about the Lincoln hat and if he would vote for me for president… the first scene of the movie that will be the SOLE cause that will eradicate poverty from off this poor blue planet and allow peace to settle in.
Step by step, that is how it was done.  Simple.  Easy. Cake walk.
 Now, I just want to go sleep but I actually have work to do---so I am leaving you all now thanks for listening.  Enjoy these musical groups you might like…we got Seasick Steve, we got “F****d Up” and Nelley Furtado from Toronto.  You like Coldplay? The Avette Brothers? The Muse?  And of course we got Dre and Eminem, Hopsin, Tech9, DMX!  Matisyahu is here today as well as Pink and Alanis Morrissette and obviously Pink, the latter two musicians who penned the most poignant songs pertaining the my life’s responsibility to every human upon earth.  Believe me now, I know what the people want…they don’t want to hear a politician talk…my first executive order is to restrict the free speech of politicians and the amount of time they can speak---here’s the new law: as soon as you sound stupid shut the fuck upJ Till then I’m sure you’d rather hear music than me.  I truly hope you enjoy these next couple of 24 hours of party and play…weed is on me!  And so is the meth, and the heroine, and the cocaine…that you Peru!  Now, one last thing:  Mafias and Cartels, rather than lobbying against the legalization of drugs, lobby for the legalization of all drugs, simultaneously for the release of every prisoner, who are your soldiers and family, that have drugs charges, yet legally and lawfully have truly committed no crime.  Thus your entire employee base is released and you have LEGAL workers in the industry to produce and properly sell the products that you will always have the greatest stake in….you’re the experts…Lyk Fukyn Duh! 
And to you Damieon…I already knew you’d vote for me…but you’re Canadien.  Thanks for the hat…it fits this world perfectly.
All of you are who you are. I am who I am.
Your brother in peace-james

Your “no-way-I AM -humble” servant,



The blue crystal ship is being filled…NO MORE SOFT LIES…

...this is the beginning of the end…

!!!Welcome All My Friends to The Real Party:  The Officially newly created, one and only “political” party that will in actuality heal this world and will ONLY solicit for your united voice to accomplish what we were all designed to do---to protect each other’s right to their OWN PURSUIT OF HAPPYNESS.  Smile! You actually are on camera- “This is being recorded for an Eternity!”

Special Note To My Hollywood and Professional Athlete Siblings


You are morally obligated to save this world from itself.  You are the single greatest most influential set of people that truly represent the voiceless—the whole world-that can actually heal the world and it literally will not even cost you or anybody a dime.  Those who have ears let them hear-eyes, let them seeJ  But you get to do what you love and get paid ridiculous amounts of money FROM EVERY HUMAN UPON THIS EARTH---WE PAY YOU.  I have come to convict your conscience.  You act, paid to be fake, fake, fake.  You save the world on screen and suppress your true power within to do the same in real life for the sake of entire humanity. And I know that if just ONE of you knew how to heal the world-it’d be done…But none of you do—that’s why I’m hereJ  So, I am “going to make a movie” that actually shows you in real life saving the real world.  When people see it they will know it will actually happen…but they first need to see in order to believe.  The funny thing is I don’t need a penny nor will ever solicit for such…to be supported with money from anyone is being bought therefore all is needed is a simple declaration:  “WE, AS COLLECTIVE HOLLYWOOD, DO HEREBY ENDORSE WITH ONLY OUR VOICE AND VOTE, <JAMES> AS PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.”  IF YOU DO THIS, POVERTY SHALL VANISH FROM THIS EARTH…NOT BY FORCE OR VIOLENCE.  TRULY, NO HUMAN WILL BE LEFT BEHIND BUT BUILT UP TO FINALLY FEEL HUMAN.  NOTHING ELSE MATTERS.”

All you avengers write movies depicting how you’re going to save the world…you keep doing it in a movie….in a movie….in a movie…  So…I’ve written a “script” that outlines exactly how you Hollywood actors will actually save the REAL world in REAL life PLAYING YOUR REAL SELVES…then when the world see’s it…they will simply believe it and because they believe it…it will be accomplished…why…well for one, ALL things I say without fail come to pass.  YUP THAT’S RIGHT.  And two, because every movie you’ve been in has prepared EVERY ONE OF YOUR  MINDS…you’re collective mindset one hundred percent of the time on and off the set is to save the world…all your careers have come to this point…culminating in this one theme…now…it will be done…you are already convicted that it’s upon your shoulder to save the world, you just didn’t know how till now-NONE OF YOUR EFFORTS HAVE BEEN IN VAIN…it’s time to save the world----IT’S SO EASY…AND FRANKLY…IT’S GONNA BE RADICAL...WE ARE gonna take this world on a thrill ride…I hope you want to join and have some brand new fun.  And yes, I have a new cult…only 6 percent tithing will get you into heaven and the satanic bible is my scripture……AHHHAHA!  Jesus gets along with Satan just fine, why can’t Christians? J


Journal To World- Entry number 2.
9 October 2011
The world is being prepared to finally REMEMBER all things.  The day will come that they do.  The movie “The Experiment” and the documentary “Here It Is-The Perfect Plan to Eradicate Poverty and Permanently Heal the World’s Economic crisis” will be a beacon of light for generations to come.  These films will be two witnesses for the human race, a sign if you will, that we are not alone in this infinite universe, and that we can treat others as we’d want to be treated in peacefully petitioning our governments of this world to phase in the Plan that is presented.  Under this Plan, all people’s rights and free will is protected.  Yet, there will those whom the world consider smart, wise, mighty, and noble, whose personal value will be threatened because they did not come up with said plan.  Their ego’s will be forever tarnished in the eyes of the people because they will realized that their diplomas, degrees, public service (cough, cough), certificates of achievement, endorsements, and ALL their knowledge was completely useless to this human race; they will realize that the very things they personally accomplished and their so called knowledge is what brought the conditions of the human race and this planet upon us.  And because the people have no choice in the political field, they keep “electing” the very officials that grind this human race into pieces.
But the people will finally have a choice FOR THE FIRST TIME.  After all, is it their fault that the world is the way it is and that they don’t have any voice in the political arena?  They are presented with democrat and republican nominees that all come from the same stock.  Together, those two parties have achieved nothing but disaster.  It is a smokescreen that tries to convince people that they have a choice, when they do not.
But the youth are waking up.  They are tired of policy that rapes the human soul and renders them undignified.  They are tired of being deprived of thought.  They are tired of war, of poverty, of starvation, of suffering, of human misery.  They want to choose their future, and not have their future chosen for them by all the religious ideologies that have always run this nation and world.  They can imagine and taste a world that is relatively at peace, races harmonized, where the vision of tranquility is finally fought for---but not by force, not by war, not by violence of any kind; but simply with their united voice of peace.  I cannot guarantee that those who believe this message will always choose the path of peaceful “protest” over a violent one-I can only hope that they do.  Violence of any kind, has never nor will ever bring peace.  NEVER.
Those who violently protest do the world a disfavor.  Because in doing so the governments are justified in increasing their police powers toward their own people.  It’s is wholly counterproductive and most hypocritical to violently protest injustice, war, and inequality.  Provide the governments an example of peace, long suffering, tolerance—but shout ever so loudly for equal rights, for food, for healthcare, for education, for shelter; the very things that a human being is entitled.  By no choice of your own were you born into this world.  Two selfish humans conceived you only so you can take care of them when they get old.
All humans should have all their basic necessities provided to them.  Ironically, this is the Key to healing the world’s economic crisis—to take care of those who are in need.  Not by force, not by mandate, but have those necessities provided to all those who would choose to receive them.  If the governments do this, I promise you in the name of every one of your religious and scientific gods, the world’s economic crises would forever cease to be.  Capitalism can only come to its greatest fruition if and only if you decide to do this.  If not, it will come crashing down, and the future state of this world will be a state that nobody in their right mind would ever bring a child into.  But leave that up to the good ol’ Christians, Jews, Muslims, and Mormons, they’ll replenish this earth with humans all by themselves…then kick them out onto the streets for 18 and life.
To the Youth:
The time will come when you shall see reality, in the way you became reality, so that you can remember reality…until then…
The world’s got nothing and lies for you so provide yourself the truth
Pry open your mind and let it unwind
Flooding your soul with the reason to the reason why

The dawn of mysteries are still inside-If you seek outside than you’ll die
Horizons unseen you’ve seen- Past lives held captive in your dreams

The Beginning and the End reflecting in the mirror
Wake up to a slumber- YOU are the Great Seer
Unaware that they are unaware:  fuck the old-the walking dead


Till next time,



Yes, ALL THINGS upon this world served ONE purpose and have culminated to THIS LETTER.  The “Universal Mind” wrote this song and it came through the MOST beautiful voice known to humans:
"Eight Easy Steps"

I'll teach you ALL this in 8 easy steps
A course of a lifetime you'll never forget
I'll show you how to in 8 easy steps
I'll show you how leaderships looks when taught by the best

I've been doing research for years
I've been practicing my ass off
I've been training my whole life for this moment I swear to you
Culminating just to be this well-versed leader before you

How to stay stuck in BLUE…              
Here are the Eight Easy Steps MINUS SEVEN- I’m too lazy for eight:




Journal To The World – Entry Number 1
29 September 2011,
Hello World.  I am number 6.  Ironically, there was a movie made entitled, “I Am Number 4.”  But I am number 6. 
What does that mean?  One day the whole world will know at once.   But for now I am speaking to you as if you were present, yet you are not.  The time will come that you will read these words after I am shot; And then it will be as though I spoke from the dead.  I know that you will read these word and hear these words, for it will be a sign unto you, especially the youth, that what I gave to this world is the absolute bona fide fucking truth of who you are, why you exist, and what must be done to eliminate poverty and inequality amongst yourselves.  As my friend John Lennon said, imagine a world of peace, no religion, no heaven above or hell below, only sky.  Imagine no longer world, throw down your weapons of war, thrust down the evil which doth so easily beset the human mind and corrupted nature of your flesh.  Look upon each other as brothers and sisters that you truly are, equal in the universe, all being the same distance from the Sun that provide light to this darkened world.   Do not see any person as an enemy, but see all people as a reflection of yourself; it is they that help define your very existence and identity.  They are a reminder to you, that you are human - that you are the greatest life form that exists in the Universe.  And that the Universe and all things that exist were created solely for the enjoyment of human beings.  Understand, all humans have lived countless mortal lives, experiencing the effects of a less advanced human body so all can appreciate the perfectly advanced bodies they have.  Because all humans go through the same things, they are all one.  So why, how can you hate another human? Even if they did the most atrocious things to you, how can you not understand that if you were born with their mind, their soul, their body, that you’d do the same as they?  Therefore, do not judge or condemn another human for anything that occurs under the stars.  All this life will be transformed into a memory, to be a comparative value stored in our essence, so we can always appreciate being a perfectly advanced human being living in a perfectly advanced human world with other perfectly advanced humans.  Ironically as it may seem, we were supposed to treat each other as with meanness, harshness, and unkindness of all kinds.  Why?  So we can appreciate one another when we forever will never ever treat each other like that again.  But now that you know that, treat others as you’d want to be treated.   This is the only law that exists in the Universe-  THE ONLY.  
Till next entry…
I am number 6


I know your unknown gods and they don’t know you
I flew back home and back to tell you
The truth is not exciting as you might want
But the lies you believe are boring as fuck

So jump in my truck and we’ll drive up this highway
Not down the low way or over to the sideway
And by the end of the day you’ll discover a new way
Then jump in your own truck and discover your way

I am the great I am as blasphemous this may be
You too are the great you is that’s already passed your own quiz
But from intelligent heights we must fall, forget who, why, and all
Exploring depths of despair like a blind man walking on a path of charred thorns

And when we toot our horns no stars reflect that unwanted noise
They remained poised as our eyes stay moist with truths that we know that we don’t know that we know.

Then time will cease and the eternal now shall break upon the moonlight night
And the siblings of earth shall grow up to be our eternal abodes
This life transformed into a dream, a mere memory of what never again shall ever be—
just a comparative value in eternity enabling the creation of happy.

“Men fear thought as they fear nothing else on earth - more than death. Thought is subversive, and revolutionary, destructive and terrible; thought is merciless to privilege, established institutions, and comfortable habits; thought is anarchic and lawless, indifferent to authority, careless to the well-tried wisdom of the ages. Thought looks into the pit of hell and is not afraid… Thought is great and swift and free, the light of the world, and the chief glory of man.
But if thought is to become the possession of the many, and not the privilege of the few, we must have done with fear. It is fear that holds men back - fear that their cherished beliefs should prove delusions, fear lest the institutions by which they live should prove harmful, fear lest they themselves prove less worthy to the respect than they have supposed themselves to be.”
~ Bertrand Russell~


I AM the Conductor and Kaboose…the First and the Last.

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