Sunday, December 18, 2016

Standing Rock Protesters and Tribes EXPOSED.

Standing Rock Protestors and Council

A friend advised me that it would be “good for [me]” to join the people of standing rock and support their cause.  Others conclude that I am a hypocrite for not physically being present yet chastising those who do have the real and swaying influence especially among Hollywood and Pro Athletes are not there protecting the people and acting as the unofficial official brokers of a compromise that must be stuck if a custer repeat is to be prevented. 

What I am about to say will be the most difficult things to hear but easiest things to accept as truth.
I will simply begin to ask a few questions off the bat….

Don’t you think that the protestors are excited to tell people of them being assaulted by law enforcement and other private mercenary groups?  Of course they are, they grovel in it.  They thrive on being the persecuted and want to adopt the history of their ancestors as their present reality, attempting to convince all others that the present “Indians” are in the exact same situation as the past “Indians” and that they are the same type of people….yet they are so far from being similar. 

If you don’t want to get hurt, stop doing the very things that are causing others to hurt you.  Do not continue to complain about any type of injuries and tell others that those who inflict such injuries are “bad”….from some people’s perspective they are bad, but frankly, your actions are just stupid. You already know that such injuries will be incurred…so again, why are you complaining.

I saw a picture of a child face to face with an officer…reminded me of alqueda using their children as buffers and shields.  If there are true warriors among these flock of wannabe native sheeple, then they would demand that all women and children immediately leave the camp and prohibit any women or children from joining in the protest.  Women and children were never sent to battle and should remain so.  They are the future, you never want to put them in harms way, women bare the vessels of the souls of humankind. 

The intents of the Protest will only be realized if silence is the only language that is spoken. 

Fuck your sacred bullshit burial ground and the rotting corpses of you ancestors….oh….how insensitive of me, right?  Well, I’ll put it a different that one Mightier than I put it:  LET THE DEAD BURY THE DEAD. 

If you are actually attempting to even use “you’re desecrating our burial grounds” then your movement becomes as weak as it can possibly be.  Do you actually think the dead people you ostensibly honor give a flying fuck about being trampled on?  No.  They are just wondering when you are going to become and remain a peaceful people and submit to all the things which the universe seeks to inflict upon you. In the grand scheme of things, the only thing that will be considered is how you treated those whom you considered to be your enemies; and did you treat them as you did your friends?  Give to him that asketh, walk two miles with the person that begged you to only walk one with them.  Give your lands away, be the peaceful people you claim you are and we all know that your ancestors were.  Till then don’t ever claim that  you are a peaceful people, that you are native, that your ways are the same as your ancestors ways….cuz they are not.  

Prepare for the worst, hope for the best.  If the main concern is your water source, and if It’s the probable that the pipeline will be completed and eventually burst and spoil the water, then what are you waiting for, and why?  Begin now to locate and drill permanent alternative sources of water;  in fact, strike a deal now with the oil companies and say:  “we will end the protest if you immediately give us all the resources needed to find alternative permanent sources of water throughout the whole reservation and wherever there would need to be one if the pipelines burst or leak.  Sell half your land, you’re all lazy anyway and do nothing with it, do not cultivate it, do not harvest it, do not toil and labor upon it; or borrow against it and fucking move your entire tribe to another reservation and equally divide the profits of your land amongst all the reservation at least, or even all the reservations.  Or, combine all the reservations under one trust, and borrow against it to build schools, community centers, rehab facilities, factories, production plants, music and art studios, restaurants, vocational training centers, etc.  Integrate and intertwine with one another, look to the future and harness your energy upon proactively preserving the future.  Identify and accept the battle that you cannot win, even if a miracle were to be sprinkled upon the situation.  Cut your losses and get over it.  This is the “patience of the saints”…this is the mind and will of your Great White Brother that sits upon a cloud in the blood stained sky.  Cease from acting like the white man.  Do not seek recompense, do not revile against revilers, do not sue in the court of law or even in your mind, which puts your soul in eternal debt to anger and resentment.  Give yourselves a break, your minds and bodies need it.  This is the cycle of mortality and these things must come to pass in order for the judgment upon the wicked can be justified.  

But, have you considered, that it is YE WHO ARE THE WICKED BECAUSE YOU TAKE MY NAME UPON YOU IN VAIN AND DO NOT DO AS I WOULD DO, AS OUR FATHERS AND MOTHERS IN HEAVEN WOULD DO, AS EVERY ENLIGHTENED HUMAN BEING AND OTHER BIOLOGICAL ENTITIES WOULD DO.  You persecutors are actually doing what is right according to the standard by which they live by and the value system that they have adopted.  They feel that it is in the best interest of all American citizens, including you, to drill and set that pipeline and that they also believe that any possible negative impacts of it is far outweighed by the constant and indefinite benefits received by every American;  Yup, they are making a preposterous amount of money; yet, who has the intellectual honest to realize it matters not how much money is made or even if that is truly their own personal reason they are laying the pipeline?  Like it or not, we must drill upon our homeland and continue to do so.  The time will come when the seas and oceans will not be traversable due to the “anger in the heavens” that will affect the tides.  Are we not as Americans crying out to be independent of foreign oil and energy, then how come we refuse to do the very things that will create the independence, but also cry out against those things to our own true detriment.  This is just another form of the hippy movement….whole bunch of faux loving real lazy ass humans that want to be praised and worshiped, aka, recognized for their humane personalities and actions that in reality delayed the necessary actions to progress, preserve, and protect what needed to be because of non participation and apathy. 

I will arrive at the protest when every protester takes a vow of silence and they prove they have kept that vow for 72 hours.  When every protester ceases to scream and yell ad nauseam at the law enforcement; when every protester ceases to have anger and malice in their heart for those whom they wrongly have determined are their enemies. 

Christ himself identifies the standing rock tribe as the most selfish group of humans that reside upon the land of the united states.  Why the hell would he care to be among them, when they are not willing to sacrifice that which is not even theirs for the sake and benefit of all the united states, therefor the world.